Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Cognitive Triangle
Cognitive Behavioural therapy (CBT)
CBT is a kind of psycho-social therapy intervention that seeks to help individuals change attitudes and behaviours that ultimately make them unhappy or keep them from living their best life. It focuses on thoughts, images, beliefs and attitudes of the individual and how these processes impact the way they feel and express their emotions. This is often expressed as a cognitive triangle, which is simply a diagram (shown above) that depicts how our thoughts, emotions and behaviors are all interconnected with each other, and influence one another. CBT is very helpful in aiding individuals to learn to recognize and change distorted ways of thinking. CBT is said to be the current gold standard of psychotherapy because it has demonstrated systemic superiority over other therapies and it is the most widely researched (David, Cristea & Hoffman, 2018).
CBT is typically 12-20 sessions but depending on needs and financial considerations can be reduced to 4-8 sessions.